Women - How your friends affect your relationships
Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:26am

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Ladies, your friends have the greatest impact with your relationships. They determine what type of person you find. They determine what type of person you keep. They are used for approval and recommendations. If you are not satisfied with the end results of your life, then you need to consider which of your friends you need to distance from. Friends need to be evaluated as much as you evaluate the men you date. Consider the following:

· Are my friends positive people?

· Do my friends offer support and quality feedback?

· What are my priorities between friends and my dates?

· What are my priorities between friends and my fiancé?

· Are my friends single themselves?

· Are my friends happy with their OWN relationships?

Many times your friends discourage you from finding a partner because they are single themselves.

A lot of people try to protect their friendship by blocking competition. Their competition can include your dates. If you succeed at landing the perfect companionship, then you will spend less time with your buddies. Smart guys try to avoid this obstacle by becoming friends with your friends. However, this exposes your potential mate to become partners with your friends instead, if they choose to steal him away from you.

Other times you could be mistaken as a like-minded person. If your friend is an easy catch looking for a fling, then a guy might judge you the same although you are not. Also, keep away friends that become rude when drunk. It is important to consider who you associate with. It is all about your attraction and how men perceive you according to your inner circle.

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