Dating Advice - Are you taking your relationship for granted
Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:59am

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Are you taking your relationship for granted?

A lot of relationships start off great. After a while, the partnership begins to go downhill because we forget the small things that matters.

Neither men nor women like to be taken advantage of. It is very important to constantly show appreciation toward your partner. Praise and acknowledgment toward your mate is a way to sustain a healthy relationship. Praise and acknowledgment comes in the form of:

· Giving complements

· Showing love

· Providing support

· Showing passion to the relationship in general

TIP: Do not take your partner for granted

Common ideas that are taken for granted are:

· He or She will always be there for me

· We will have sex another time

· I do not need to say, “I love you”.

· He or she should do specific things

Ask your partner “Do I take you for granted in any way?” Be conscious toward displaying genuine appreciation, respect and gratitude. People get complacent and slowly start taking things for granted because it’s requires minimum effort. Do not get busy or lazy to the point where you start to neglect your love life. If necessary, think back to the time you just met your partner. That was a moment when you were very conscious with your image and reputation.

TIP: Make quality time

Relationships need quality time for the bond to grow. Without that quality time, the relationship will gradually distance itself.

TIP: Give him or her space

Often times your partner needs space to himself or herself. Here are some moments when personal time and space are often necessary:

· After a hard day at work

· When the mind need to unwind

· After any stressful event

· During a moment of creative thinking

Often times, a relationship becomes subjective to deterioration if you don’t allow your partner to have their private moment to recompose. The brain is a muscle, and like all muscles, it needs rest.

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